Wild carnation
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Other names: wild pink.
IUCN red list status: not evaluated
Local status: least concern
Dianthus strictus is a perennial Hemicryptophyte plant, belonging to the Caryophyllaceae family, it is commonly known as wild carnation or wild pink and belongs to the Mediterranean Chorotype. The stem reaches a height up to 20 cm, the leaves are opposite and entire, the flowers’ color is pink or white, blooming any time from April to December, and the fruits are many-seeded capsules.
It is endemic to Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Cyprus, Turkey, and Greece, and grows in several habitats such as Batha, Phrygana, and Shrub-steppes.
The family of this plant is characterized by the presence of anthocyanin pigments. The unusual characteristic of the family is the appearance of stable and endurable foam when parts of the plants are put into water and shaken. This behavior is due to the occurrence of the high amount of saponins in the family.
Dianthus was traditionally used to treat diseases of the mouth and gum and cardiotonic, diaphoretic, vermifuge, and gastrointestinal disease therapies. China, Japan, and Korea usually used the plant for wound management and gastrointestinal disorder.
Distribution in Palestine: Mediterranean coast, Upper Jordan Valley, Northern valleys, Nablus Mountains, Judea Mountains and desert, and Dead Sea valley Jordan Valley.