Green Sandpiper

Green Sandpiper / Tringa ochrupos / طيطوي أخضر

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Status: Uncommon

Description: A medium sized wader that can be found picking insects off the edges around wetlands.

Systematic (order, family): Charadriiformes, Scolopacidae

Distribution in the country and worldwide, A common wader that is widely found northern Europe and Asia. It migrates south in winter to Africa and southeast Asia. In Palestine it can be found on migration and in winter appearing in a variety of fresh water wetlands. It is quite commonly seen, but always in small numbers.

Conservation status: Least Concern

Habitat: Wooded paddles and any fresh water wetland in winter. On migration can occur also in the beach.

Identification (how does it look like): Quite a dark, medium sized delicate bird with fairly long legs and a long thin beak. Upper side is a dark green-brown with fine white speckles. In flight wings are dark and reveals the white rump thick barred tail. Head and breast are finely barred with the underside pure white. Legs are greyish-green.

Behaviour: Will often be flushed from ditches and the edges of wetlands where it will call a typical high pitched ‘tlueet-wit-wit’ as it flies off.

Breeding/mating (season, how and where): Although it doesn't nest within Palestine it breeds in northern Europe in flooded forests and open tundra.

Weight and size: Body length: 18-21cm. Wingspan: 35-39cm. Weight: 4-6.1kg

Threats and hazards: Destruction of habitats. Similar species not to be confuse with: Wood Sandpiper is a slightly longer legged paler bird with yellow legs.

Cool facts: Most waders will nest on the ground, creating a small scrape to lay their eggs. Green Sandpiper is one of a few waders that will nest in trees, using the old nest of a similar sized bird like a thrush. The name Tringa comes from the Latin word ‘tryngas’ which means ‘bird who likes the banks of water”.