Tammoun Reserves Brochures_EQA

Tammoun Reserves Brochures_EQA

Nature reserves brochures by the Environmental Quality Authority

Tammoun Reserve

Located in Tammun town, with an area of about 18194 dunams, it is also adjacent to the Eastern Bqaia’a Plains, which are the third largest plains in Palestine. Furthermore, the top of Tammun Mountain Nature Reserve is considered part of the upper part of the eastern cliffs of the mountains of Nablus.  

The track of the journey starts from the eastern side of the town, in an intersection between the roads leading to Tammun and Tubas. During the trip, the visitor can look towards the right side of the Nature Reserve where Wadi Alhayya and Wadi Shaab, which flow into Wadi al-Far'a, can be seen.


Brochure available  in an Arabic version